medical technology innovation & entrepreneurship expertise
for government agencies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations

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Medical technology innovation is NOT easy. It requires navigating the constant tension between the doctor and the patient, the businessperson and the engineer, and the dreamer and the doer.
A "dyad", in fields of sociology, medicine, science and math, is simply two things that interact with each other.
The company was named "Dyad Engineering" with the purpose of building partnerships and better understanding between the different pieces of the medical innovation ecosystem.

We support the organizations tasked with supporting medical technology startups.
Medical Innovation draws on a wide range of unique, highly specialized resources. Dyad Engineering specializes in the design, engineering and manufacturing resources start-ups need to bring regulated devices to market.
Check out our resources page for some of the great materials we've come across in working with our clients.

Dyad Engineering is a WOSB!
On 14 November 2022, Dyad Engineering was certified as a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). This certification makes Dyad eligible for contracts through the SBA’s WOSB program.